I traveled thousands of miles just to meet her. Word on the streets was she had a past, but don’t we all? Given her experiences you’d think she’d be jaded, but she’s peaceful.  A little rough around the edges, however, I don’t mind. Prior to our first encounter, I was told she was persuasive. A week in her presence and she’ll have you wearing open toe shoes, eating chips (fries), and drinking Fanta.  Nevertheless, I’m not easily influenced AND I don’t drink soda.

The second we met, I was intrigued. For 24 days we shared silent exchanges as I observed her humility. Judging by the sway of her back, she shouldered the weight of others and buried secrets in Memorials resurrected in honor of her loved ones. Her strength was inspiring and gave me hope.  Through broken English she taught me how to forgive.  She unpacked my suitcase of selfishness and shame and handed me a “How To” guide on relationships and community. She gave me courage, and just when I thought she had outdone herself, she gave me new vision and PURPOSE. Needless to say, she gave me more than she received. For those of us that have been blessed enough to meet her we understand that it’s just who she is.

Thanks Rwanda!

Most humbly,

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A trip to Africa forever changed Danyel’s life. It gave him an unshakeable desire to live a life of service in communities around the world. Danyel looks forward to sharing experiences of past and future mission trips, with the hopes of helping other to see the beauty in our differences and encourage them to take their journey locally as well as abroad.